Everything Old is New Again

I have had a lot of blogs over the years. This one is a few years old and was aimed at "first world countries" plus that third world country I am stuck in: Merika.

More recently, I have written a couple of pieces about basic water infrastructure aimed at places like Haiti, Papua New Guinea, Malawi and assorted other African nations.

Peeing on a tree probably won't catch on in Merika, land of the sleeze (no, not originally a reference to Trump), home of the depraved, much less any actual civilized countries (if there actually are any on this cesspit planet, what with the world tolerating Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Israel's boot on Gaza's water supply).

BUT maybe in places with wholly inadequate water infrastructure, people will see tree urinals as a step in the right direction rather than one more reason to point and laugh at me.

When I originally started this blog, which was offline for a few years, I had crazy, deluded fantasies that I would design cutesy t-shirts with my catchy slogan and start a MOVEMENT and it would catch on like wildfire and incidentally lift my sorry ass out of poverty, at long last.

Truth be told, I suck at t-shirt design and would much rather people just support my WRITING via Patreon or via PayPal tips.

I'm an environmental studies major and it galls me that you apparently can't try to save the planet without junking up landfills with lame t-shirts instead of giving pushback against the enshitification of the internet that everyone whines and cries about while still telling independent content creators like MOI to GET A REAL JOB.

Rest assured, I tried to get a REAL JOB for which I was highly qualified. It won't very badly, so badly it makes my blogging "success" (cough) look FABULOUS in comparison.

Anyway, you should pee on a tree. TODAY.

And kick a few bucks my way.

If you want a t-shirt that proudly proclaims your hobby of peeing on trees, make it your damn self. It will probably be better than MY design would be, IF I ever got around to making such a design.

Which I haven't, in case that needs to be said.