The Future Is Now

If you really care about the future of this planet and you live some cushy life in some developed country, here are things you can start doing today to reduce your burden on the environment:
  • Walk, bike and take public transit instead of going everywhere by car.
  • Eat lower on the food chain. This generally means reducing your consumption of meat.
  • Buy local.
  • Incorporate passive-solar design into your home.
  • Take fewer plane trips.
I'm an environmental studies major who has lived without a car for more than a decade. I already do all the walking the walk I can do, often by literally walking places. I mostly get around on foot, and I have for years.

This article talks about genocide by climate change and predicts "wildfires and heat waves would sweep across the planet" for the future. Actual reality: We are already seeing this happen today, in the here and now.

This is not the future. It is the present and the recent past.

Articles like this do a generally poor job of getting that across. They use socially acceptable PC language about some dire future rather than telling you The Future is Now and Here's what you can do about it TODAY.

But that's what needs to be done somehow if you want real change. People need to get the memo that you, yes YOU, are one of those 7 billion people behind human caused climate change and what you do matters.

I'm a little tired of listening to other people bellyache about climate change while claiming they are helpless and generally justifying their choice to do nothing. If you are tired of waiting for The Experts to save the planet and want to take things into your own hands, this site is for you.

Rock on and Viva La Revolucion.